This group has been growing by leaps and bounds which is awesome to see. We want to put out the Impression(s) guidelines now so everyone is ahead of the ball. We do want to make this clear that this is a TWO IMPRESSION EVENT if you want it to be. If you want to do the rebel prisoner to federal soldier experience- awesome. If you want to stay federal and guard prisoners and the frontier-awesome.
Confederate Prisoner Impression
The 1st US Volunteers were recruited from Confederate prisoners of war at Point Lookout in Maryland during the winter and spring of 1864. These men were almost entirely from Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia and captured in 1863 although several men were taken prisoner as late as the Battle of Spotsylvania in May 1864. As we are portraying prisoners of war, no arms or accouterments will be necessary for this part of the portrayal, but extra baggage and well-worn uniforms are encouraged. Photo evidence shows that men would often over-burden themselves with extra blankets, haversacks, knapsacks, etc.
Units Represented in Company A, 1st USV
- 6th North Carolina Infantry Captured- Nov 1863 on the Rappahannock
- 42nd Virginia Infantry Captured Spotsylvania Courthouse May 1864
- 12th South Carolina Infantry Captured unknown
- 3rd North Carolina Infantry- Captured and wounded at Gettysburg July 2
- 11th Virginia Infantry- Captured July 3 Gettysburg
- 50th Virginia Infantry- Captured July 7th after Gettysburg around Hagerstown
- 7th Virginia Infantry- Captured at Milford Station May 20 1864.
- 4th North Carolina Cavalry- Captured July 4th at Gettysburg
- 26th Georgia Infantry- Captured July 4th after Gettysburg
- 37th Virginia Infantry- Captured July 3rd at Gettysburg (Prior wounded at Sharpsburg)
- 8th Georgia Infantry- Captured at Cashtown July 5th
- 33rd Virginia Infantry Captured July 5th after Gettysburg
- 20th Georgia Infantry Captured July 3rd at Gettysburg
- Richmond Clothing Bureau Type II or Type III in Jean Cloth or EAC - Preferred
- North Carolina State Produced Jacket
- Generic/ Commutation Jean Jacket/ Frock Coat
- No Jacket- Must wear quality Confederate Issue Shirt
- CS Cotton Issue Shirt
- Citizens or CS Wool Flannel Shirt
- Citizens Pattern Shirt
- Richmond Clothing Trousers in Jeans/ Logwood/ or Import Cloth
- Jeans Cloth Military Pattern
- No Sky Blue Pants
- Civilian or CS Issue Drawers in Flannel or Cotton
- Jean Cloth or EAC Issue Cap
- Citizens “Slouch” Hat
- English Import Hat
- Confederate Tin or Wooden Drum
- Captured Federal Canteen
- Confederate, US, or Civilian Shoes or Boots- ideally well worn
- CS Issue Cotton
- Wool Socks
- None
Should include needed mess gear such as a tin cup, plate, utensils, etc.
- Cotton Osnaburg CS Haversack copied from an Original
- Ticking or Oil Cloth CS Haversack
- Federal Haversack
- CS Single-Bag “Kibler” or Other Documented Knapsack
- English Import Knapsack
- Blanket Roll
- Federal Captured Knapsack
- Import, CS, or State Issue Blanket
- Civilian Blanket or Coverlet or Carpet
- Federal Blanket
- Confederate Painted/ Oil Cloth
- Federal Captured Rubber Cloth/ Poncho
- None
- Federal or Confederate Issue Shelter Half
- Federal, Civilian, or Confederate Issue Great Coat
Federal Infantry Impression
Every participant must bring this impression. You will either start the event as Union guard and then transition into part of the infantry company at the end of the event or you will begin the weekend as a Confederate Prisoner and you will be “issued” your Federal uniform and equipment. This will be a very basic impression. Once the 1st USV arrived at Fort Abercrombie it is very clear what they wore and were issued.
Headgear - Hat Brass should be limited to an “A” and a Horn
- Federal Forage Cap (Type I, II, or McDowell)
- Period Civilian Hat for Off-duty Wear
- Hardee Hat- NOT ALLOWED
- US 4-Button Fatigue Blouse (Lined or Unlined)
- US Issue Sky Blue Kersey Foot Trousers
- US Issue Domet or Wool Shirt
- Civilian Pattern Cotton Shirt
- Cotton or Wool Issue or Civilian Socks/ Stockings
- US Issue Canton Flannel Drawers
- Civilian Cotton or Wool Drawers
- None
- US Issue “Brogan” Shoes
- US Issue or Civilian Boots
- Cartridge Box - 1857 or March/July 1864 .58 Caliber Box with US Plates and Sling
- Cap Box - Shield Front or Standard Front
- Black Leather Belt with US plate
- Scabbard - US Issue 2 or 7 rivet scabbard
- Blanket Roll (Limited)
- US Issue 1855 Double Bag Knapsack
- US Issue or Contractor Blanket
- Rubber/ Painted Blanket or Rubber Poncho
- British 1853 Enfield - preferred
- US 1855/1861/1863 Springfield Rifled Musket
- 1842 Springfield Musket
- US Tin Philadelphia/ New York/ or Cincinnati Issue Canteens
- US Painted Haversacks with Appropriate Mess Gear
- Common Tent/ “A-Frame”
- Sibley Tent