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Final Info for Shiloh

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  • Final Info for Shiloh

    Final Communication for Shiloh

    The Grand Adventure is about to begin. If you know everything below, your event will be an easy one.

    1. Go to the Blue-Grey Alliance Registration and check in there. If you registered for the event directly online via the system we put in place, use YOUR name. If you are a substitute for someone, meaning they couldn't come after they registered online and you took their slot, use THEIR name at registration (you will do the same thing again at our check in by Federal parking). The address for the Blue-Grey Alliance registration is 1150 Hwy. 22, Shiloh, TN. AFTER you register here, go to Federal parking on Joe Dillon Road. They will show you how to get to Federal parking from registration. ***If you are going to arrive after 10pm on Friday, I must know or you will not get a ride on the bus. Email me immediately at if you will arrive after 10pm. I must know.

    2. When going to Federal parking on Joe Dillon Road, - BIG HAIRY DEAL - look for a 4' X 8' plywood sign that says 15th/16th Iowa Bus Stop. This is where you need to go AFTER you park. It is where all of you get on a bus to Savannah, TN (or to Shiloh National Park if you are the 16th Iowa). Lt. Col. Skip Owens is in charge of this check in point and bus stop. You will likely be asked to go help with a short task at our Saturday camp before boarding the bus. The camp is about 800 yards away. At this check in you MUST 1) turn in your 50 properly packed rounds and caps (for enlisted, "no rounds, no ticket" and you will not get your rounds issued back to you as we have 20,000+ rounds going into 20 ammunition boxes), and 2) get your bus/boat pass. Put your pass some place safe on your person where you can find it and don't lose it.

    3. I prefer you to fill your canteen BEFORE boarding the bus. It's not necessary, just preferred. You can fill it when you go do your task at our Saturday camp.

    4. At both our Savannah, TN camp and our Shiloh National Park camp, fires are only in DESIGNATED places. You cannot make your own fire. Fires at the park MUST be in fire rings, no exceptions. Re-read this number 4.

    5. At our Savannah camp, Lt. Eric Fair is the Officer of the Day and is responsible for coordinating the three boat trips. Lt. Fair and Lt. Col. Owens will be on the 3rd trip and will insure all fires are extinguished and all men are aboard. There will be loud announcements throughout the camp telling when a trip is about to board. When you hear your trip called, get everything you have packed, gather on the dirt road in camp and be ready to make your way to the landing with your ticket available for inspection. You will only have 10 minutes to accomplish this. Don't hold up the boat. Again, tickets are red, white and blue for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trips. Know your trip and don't miss it.

    This is the link to the BIG MOTHER EMAIL with all the other details in case you missed the email: BIG MOTHER EMAIL

    Important things...

    Lt. Col. Skip Owens must inspect weapons of the third trip men while in Savannah PRIOR to boarding. Do this Saturday morning at first light. The first two trips will be inspected at Pittsburg Landing Saturday morning.

    No one is to load or even pop a primer on Shiloh National Park property without direct supervision and permission of a park ranger. No exceptions. Leave your rounds and primers in your leathers unless instructed by regimental staff that will get permission from the park.

    BEFORE you leave home pop a cap with the muzzle close to the grass. If the bore is clear you will see the grass move from just the pressure given by a cap. This insures the bore is clear and a round is not in the rifle. In the middle of a fight one time I came across a fully loaded rifle which I immediately took from the man/idiot. In the rush if someone else grabbed his rifle which looks like all the others, and fired it, somebody could have been killed. Check your rifle with a cap NOW before you leave home. Somebody took your gun and went deer hunting with it and forgot to tell you. Treat your rifle as if it's loaded and check that it's clear BEFORE you arrive.

    There is to be NO climbing or sitting on the rock wall around the cemetery. There is an entrance if you wish to enter. Many Iowa boys are buried in there, so show it proper respect.

    I need one bugler on the first boat trip and one on the third boat trip. Chad and Marty, you decide and see that you have the correct color ticket. Let me know in Savannah who is on which trip.

    I need to know a list of all men who will be in our event site camp with the tents, etc. on Friday night and all day Saturday instead of doing the march. You will be charged with protecting the camp during the Saturday morning battle and preventing looting. Confederates will be coming through our camp during the Saturday morning battle. Email me at if you will be in camp and not doing the march. I must know who is there to protect all we have brought.

    Officer of the Day Friday until after our afternoon battle is Lt. Eric Fair. Officer of the Day from our arrival at our Saturday camp through Sunday is Lt. Scott Cummings.

    The order of companies in line from right flank to left flank is:


    A F D I C H E K G B


    We must set up our tents in company streets with TWO Sibleys per company. This is to insure we have enough tents to house everyone, especially if it rains. We must put 18 men in a Sibley to fit everyone (18 men X 2 Sibleys is 36 men, plus 3 officers/2 officers and orderly in a wall or A = 39 men per company). We are all bringing tents, myself included, and you might end up in your tent or another tent. I have accepted this and ask you to do the same for the sake of the regiment. To fit everyone, we will not be able to spread out in our own tents. If every tent on Quartermaster Milbert's list shows up, we have 56 tents, which is enough tentage for everyone but it's tight. We registered 506 men. This is bigger and harder than what we're used to, so please understand we don't have time to discuss or debate where you want your tent and who you want in it. The camp set up team: Jim Butler, Joe Beedle and Pete Berezuk, will place the tents. Cooperate with them, set up where they say and be nice as they are working hard to make everyone's experience a good one. I give you my thanks in advance for your cooperation with them.

    If you are going to arrive after 10pm on Friday, I must know or you will not get a bus ride. Email me immediately at if you will arrive after 10pm on Friday.

    I want to thank a number of men for all of the hard work they put into planning and preparing for this event. I know all of you have worked hard and we'll be a sight when we take the field. The following men gave their weekends and evenings, and did so much to pour into this event for the benefit of the entire regiment. It was a herculean task to get ready to transport, feed and house 500 men. If you like this event, thank them. If it misses the mark, blame me. In no particular order as everyone put in a lot of hours/days: Skip Owens, Pat Craddock, Kiev Thomason, Justin Runyon, Brian Hicks, Cameron Stinnett, Art Milbert, Donnie Watson, Jordan Roberts, Chad Gray, Steve Ewing, Todd Bemis, Michael Schaffner, Joshua Mason, Jim Butler, Pete Berezuk, Joe Beedle, Jon Isaacson, Steve Hesson, Brandon Jolly, and Dave Bushmole. These men are the pre-event crew. Shake their hand and tell them thanks when you see them. And if I missed anyone, forgive my error as it's fatigue and not a lack of my admiration for what you've done.

    Get ready to do and see some things none of us have ever experienced in this hobby. New stuff that maybe you've only read in a firsthand account. Prepare your mind to go back to April of 1862 because we're all going together on The Grand Adventure.
    Matt Woodburn
    Retired Big Bug
    Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
    "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."