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64th Ohio, Company A for Missionary Ridge 2019

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  • 64th Ohio, Company A for Missionary Ridge 2019

    Gentlemen of Company A:

    First up, thank you for your attention and interest in Co A, 64h Ohio. As your Captain, I am honored that I have our leadership's favor regarding raising a company for the battalion and honored that you are willing to serve to fight back the grey hordes with a blue wall of Uncle Abe's finest men (reconstituted).

    In a little over a year, we will take the field for an immersion event the likes of which will not be undone. I expect all men to bring their "A" game, good cheer, highest energy, and their best attitudes to the field.

    So far, your cadre for this event is as follows:

    Company A 64th Ohio chain of command:

    Capt John Lloyd (Jay Lowe)
    Lt Lemuel Ellington
    Orderly Sgt Eric Fair
    2nd Sgt TBD
    Cpl Jefferson Saylor (Jim Crawford)
    Cpl Fred Baker
    Cpl Barry Dusel


    So, if you haven't registered yet, the link is below. So is the Facebook/Authentic Campaigner page link too. All communication for Co A will happen on both pages for those that use and don't use Facebook.

    THE CAP FOR OUR COMPANY IS 30-35 MEN. We have 10 now. As we get closer to the event, these places will fill-up very quickly! Register now and you can pay later! Don't lose your place in line for this awesome event.

    Please tell your friends that might be interested in attending Co A at every campfire and mess you are at in the next year and get them in on the action!

    I will be here if you need anything and fee free to ask me any questions at


    Authentic Campaigner:…

    Facebook Company A page:

    "All for the Old Flag and Uncle Abraham!"

    I humbly remain your most obed't servant:

    John Lloyd
    Commd., 64th Ohio vols. Coy A

    Attached Files
    Johnny Lloyd
    John "Johnny" Lloyd
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