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Anybody want an SA blouse?

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  • Anybody want an SA blouse?


    Got stiffed by a customer (I ought to start publishing these people's names online so others know not to deal with them) but perhaps this could be a good thing for one of you!

    I have in stock and ready to go a size 42 SA fatigue blouse. This is my standard SA blouse with all of the exposed stitching sewn with logwood thread, lined in the custom woolen FHW-made checked material, and with all the appropriate stamps. Cost is the standard $250.00 and I can ship immediately!

    More info on the blouses can be found here:

    To sweeten the deal I'll pair this excellent blouse up with the entirely handsewn federal issue shirt we have in stock (issue size 42.) Normally $125.00 I'll let you grab both for $350.00!

    Give me a call or shoot me an email if you want either or both of these items. This is the first time I've had an SA blouse in stock EVER!

    Last edited by Dan Wambaugh; 04-13-2007, 04:28 PM.
    Dan Wambaugh
    Wambaugh, White, & Company
    Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE

  • #2
    Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?

    I know what you mean about publishing names, I recently got stuck with a bad check for $170 and now the guy has pulled the disappearing act. First time in 7 years of business.
    Joseph Hofmann


    • #3
      Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?


      I had my first experience with a bad check last Fall from a woman in CA. I have too toyed with the idea of putting that name up on my website.
      Jim Kindred


      • #4
        Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?


        Well the way I look at it is if they can do it at convenience stores, why not within the reenacting community? To be honest over the past six years I've only had two bounced checks, both were banking mistakes caused by direct deposit, and resolved within a couple of days. The number of folks that have stiffed me on orders is still less than five total, but if another vendor had already had a problem with one of these individuals and I had known about it beforehand it may have saved me the trouble. Or my sharing the information may help another vendor down the line.

        It's just a thought, but I could honestly see a set up like that doing a lot of good, but also having the potential for some very bad results as well...

        Dan Wambaugh
        Wambaugh, White, & Company
        Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


        • #5
          Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?

          [QUOTE=Dan Wambaugh;56155]Got stiffed by a customer (I ought to start publishing these people's names online so others know not to deal with them) but perhaps this could be a good thing for one of youQUOTE]

          Don't think aboubt publishing the person's name DO IT! It good to put these people out there in the event they try to stiff someone.~Gary
          Gary Dombrowski


          • #6
            Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?


            The blouse and shirt got gobbled up an hour or so ago, but thanks to everyone that sent notes of interest in the items, it really made me feel good after having this blouse sit unwanted on the rack!

            Dan Wambaugh
            Wambaugh, White, & Company
            Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


            • #7
              Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?

              Dan if you could have stretched the SA to a 44 I would have grabbed it right out of those talented hands of yours. :D

              [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sgt.R.C.Tarbox
              Bully Sixth

              "Don't you run till you see the Sixth New Hampshire run; but when you see that regi-ment retreating, you may do likewise." (officer of a Regiment fighting with the Sixth at Bull Run)

              {History of the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment in the War for the Union
              Captain Lyman Jackman}[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

              [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SlateGray]5th VA. Company D
              Southern Guard[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]


              • #8
                Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?

                I wouldn't publish any names online Dan. You could find yourself the subject of a lawsuit, or worse. It's just not worth the trouble. You could, however share that info with your fellow vendors in a private way. Just some advice from a Lawyer's son.
                Frank Perkin


                • #9
                  Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?


                  Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured, too. I don't think a public list will ever be published but rest assured that vendors share a lot of information between them, especially when it comes to deadbeats.

                  Have a good one buddy!


                  Dan Wambaugh
                  Wambaugh, White, & Company
                  Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


                  • #10
                    Re: Anybody want an SA blouse?

                    Publising such a list is a primo method for getting sued.
                    If they're CONVICTED for th alledged offence
                    you accuse them doing ... well sure.
                    Otherwise you're put in peril.
                    We'd all like to post 'em
                    But could be costly
                    Glen E. Hargis
                    Rackensacker Mess
                    Co. A, First U.S. Infantry (faux)

