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Should College Hill Arsenal come to Outpost?

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  • Should College Hill Arsenal come to Outpost?


    Due to work I will not be able to attend the Outpsot event :cry_smile.
    However, I will be out there on Friday, pre-event, to drop off a musket to a customer. Since I'm coming out anyway, is there any interest in me dragging out a bunch of original muskets, bayonets and gun parts as well. I was thinking of setting up a fly near registration and opening up the College Hill Arsenal for business. Is there any interst in me doing this?

    I appreciate the feedback.
    [SIZE=1]Your most humble and obedient servant,[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]Tim Prince[/SIZE]
    [I]Member CWDCA (The Civil War Dealers & Collectors Association)
    Member CWPT (Civil War Preservation Trust)
    Member The Company of Military Historians
    Member SABC (Society of American Bayonet Collectors)
    Hiram Lodge #7 F&AM

  • #2
    Re: Should College Hill Arsenal come to Outpost?

    Tim, I would be interested in getting a locking ring for an original BSAT Salter bayonet that I own. I cant seem to find one that fits. If you have a few that might work I can bring the bayonet with me and we could try and match one up. Trying to get one through the mail without fitting it to the bayonet has been a pain in the rump. Let me know your thoughts.


    • #3
      Re: Should College Hill Arsenal come to Outpost?

      I believe that I have one Enfield bayonet locking ring (tons of M-1855/70's....). It will be there along with a bunch of other stuff. I'll probably try to set up a fly at registration. My plan would be to be there from mid morning on Friday until about 6 or 7 PM.
      [SIZE=1]Your most humble and obedient servant,[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=2]Tim Prince[/SIZE]
      [I]Member CWDCA (The Civil War Dealers & Collectors Association)
      Member CWPT (Civil War Preservation Trust)
      Member The Company of Military Historians
      Member SABC (Society of American Bayonet Collectors)
      Hiram Lodge #7 F&AM


      • #4
        Re: Should College Hill Arsenal come to Outpost?

        Since I cannot leave feedback via iTrader on the forum I will post this instead. I ordered an Austrian Lorenz bayonet last week and received it within a few days. AWESOME is the only way to describe the bayonet and the almost mint condition its in!!!

        Tim, thank you for the bayonet and I will definately refer business to you in the future!

        [COLOR=Red]Kirby Smith[/COLOR]

        Loblolly Mess

        Too many ancestors who served and events on the schedule to post here...

