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35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

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  • 35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

    Hello everyone,
    My name is John Holman and I am about to finish with a history/french double major. I am located in SC but I am a mixed breed since my father's side is native to SC while my mom's side is from Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. I have reenacted the American Revolution since I was 9 and just started a few years ago with WWII, but in doing genealogy, I have become very interested in the ACW. Although I know at this point that I am lacking the funding to put together the impression, I am doing the reading and the research. When I am able to put together an impression, I would like it to be mid/late war Western Federal. Obviously, I want to do it right (coming from a background of limited exposure to the ACW until recently) so that is why I came to Authentic Campaigner. Anyway, back on topic...
    In doing research into my mom's side of the family, I found out that my great great grandfather, William Porter Smyth, was a Captain in Company G 35th Illinois. I feel I have exhausted my available resources and wanted to see if anyone could lead me to other sources that I may not know of. So far, I have used "The Army of the Cumberland" by Henry Cist, "Arming the Suckers" by Ken Baumann, "A Compendium of the War of Rebellion" by Frederick Dyer, and finally the Adjutant General's Report. Any assistance in better understanding the 35th would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    ~John Holman~
    [B]John C. Holman[/B]
    Liberty Rifles

  • #2
    Re: 35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

    Howdy, I did some checking in a couple places and found not a lot but here it is....

    Frederick Todd's American Military Equipage Vol 2 lists:

    Dec 1861: state blue fatigue jacket, otherwise US reg inf uniform and accouterments
    1862-1864: Enfield rifle and some Springfield R.M. in 1864

    The manuscript section of the Ill. State Historical Library, which I believe is now the Lincoln Presidential Library thingy lists:

    - Danner, Andrew. Letter. Jan. 13, 1863. Box 2, Folder 5 Gillet Family Papers
    - St. Clair, Hannibal C. Letter. Feb. 15, 1863. Box 2, Folder 5 Gillet Family Papers
    - Smith, Gustavus A. Official Correspondance, 1862-1863. SC 1963. Gustavus A. Smith Papers


    Illinois Infantry Regiment, 35th. Co. D Aplin, Thomas Arthur

    Have you tried the USAMHI at Carlisle Barracks, PA? Also, you might try contacting various National Parks at battles the 35th was located at, they may have something on file.

    Keep digging!
    John Pillers
    Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

    'We're putting the band back together'


    • #3
      Re: 35th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

      John, I really appreciate this. I am certainly going to keep digging. I am planning to do a traversing of the Atlanta Campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta following the movements of the 35th and hit all of the battlefields/parks/museums along the way after my graduation in May. Thank you so much.
      ~John Holman~
      [B]John C. Holman[/B]
      Liberty Rifles

