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Point Blank: A Novel of the Civil War

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  • Point Blank: A Novel of the Civil War

    I have just published a novel set in the hospitals around Washington just after Fredericksburg. Here is a link to it on Amazon:

    As a Whitman scholar, I became interested in medicine of the era, and hospitals, such as they were, through my desire to know more about what Whitman experienced as a nurse for about two years. But apart from Whitman, I found the subject fascinating. I spent about a decade in sporadic reading and research. I have published three collections of poetry, one of which centers on the Civil War (The Battlefield Photographer, Orchises Press, 2008). Most of my work has been in narrative poems. So I thought, "I know how to tell a story. I think I'll write a novel." This is what is known as mistaken confidence. But with the help of friends and colleagues, I took the original manuscript through several complete revisions over the course of about 5 years. The original is almost totally absent in the final version, except in terms of the main characters, who are drawn from historical figures.

    The Kindle and hardcopy versions will be available in about a week, my publisher tells me. (Amazon lists "Dec 14" but that is a "no later than" date.) My email is, and if anyone would like a signed copy, I will be happy to sign and send back to you. Let me know the specifics in an email. I have a few advance hardcopies, and would be willing to sign and send for members of this community who might want to give the book as a Christmas present. Again, we can discuss this in emails.

    I hope you will read and enjoy the novel. I would very much value hearing responses from such a well-informed group as we have here.

    Carmine Sarracino
    Carmine Sarracino