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Campaign shelters (shebangs)

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  • Campaign shelters (shebangs)

    I'm collecting information on Civil War soldiers' makeshift shelters and want to obtain copies of the noted pages from the appended works. I would also need the context of the diary entry (date, location, soldier's regiment).
    John Rees

    page 100: James K. Hosmer, The Color-Guard, Being a Corporal's Notes of Military Service in the Nineteenth Army Corps, 1864 (MA: 755), 100.

    pages 154, 158: Petit, Corporal Frederick Petit, Infantryman Petit - the Civil War Letters of Corporal Frederick Petit - edited by William Gilfillan Gavin (Avon Books, New York 1991/1990), 154, 158.
    Last edited by dusty27; 07-03-2004, 06:32 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Campaign shelters (shebangs)

    Hi John,

    I do have "Infantryman Pettit" but it's at the house (I'm at work right now). I do think I recall the sections you're looking for. I've also seen "The Color-Guard" but will have to check on that (I may even own an original copy but I've bought so much stuff I've lost track of everything I have!).

    If no one else answers your question, send me a private note and I'll help you out:


    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger


    • #3
      Re: Campaign shelters (shebangs)


      I suggest you contact your local library and check with it's interlibrary loan department. Using interlibrary loan is a great way to do research and obtain books not readily available at your local library. Before requesting the information here, you might check there.

      Last edited by Dignann; 07-03-2004, 05:12 PM.
      Eric J. Mink
      Co. A, 4th Va Inf
      Stonewall Brigade

      Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


      • #4
        Re: Campaign shelters (shebangs)

        Hi John,

        I have the softcover edition of "Infantryman Pettit" (Gavin, William G., ed., New York: Avon Books, 1990) in front of me but the entries on the pages you mentioned don't match with the information you requested. There are, in fact, numerous interesting references made by Corporal Pettit to camp life but you'll need to be more specific as to what you'd like.

        For the record, the letter listed on p. 154 is from Pettit's company commander to his family informing them of Pettit's death (it also mentions some of his personal effects). Page 158 carries entries from Pettit's diary dealing primarily with his experiences in East Tennessee (he mentions his tent "burning up" in the first entry).

        Let me know what you'd like to do,

        Mark Jaeger

        Mark Jaeger

