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Pay documents

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  • BobSullivanPress
    Pay rolls are extremely large forms. They were designed to accommodate an entire company. A pay roll (which is actually a muster and pay roll) is approximately 22 inches high by 33 inches wide. I own 1 original in my collection. Reproductions could be made, but your talking two-sided printing of very large documents. That might price most folks out of purchasing one.

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  • petermessi
    Re: Pay documents

    I did heard about pay receipt which were used to record the payment transactions.It is very useful.

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  • Dan Kohli
    Re: Pay documents

    I think the Pay department’s form 6 is the item that you are looking for. But if it is not what you are looking I am pretty sure that it is in the Pay department section of the 1861 Army Regulations on pages 341-368.

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  • Pennvolunteer
    started a topic Pay documents

    Pay documents

    So does anyone have an example of a pay receipt/ pay roster? I have used the search function here on AC and found some interesting things on being a paymaster, I've read the whole post on school of the company clerk (and printed all of those forms) and I've searched other sources, I've read through Kautz duties of NCOs and Officers and everything it says on pay. I even looked at Sullivan Press. No where can I find a pay voucher/ roster/ receipt or any document used to record pay transactions.
    Last edited by Pennvolunteer; 03-30-2016, 10:25 PM.