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The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

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  • The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

    I know this is a very long shot, but does anyone know where I can purchase a copy of The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition)? I would also be interested in the 1st edition as well.


    Brett Bondurant
    Brett Bondurant
    Cape Fear Living History Society

  • #2
    Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

    Hello Brett,
    I don't want to give up my copy of the 2nd ed., but you're welcome to my 1st ed., which is in excellent, 3-ring-binder condition. Let me know and I'll quote you a reasonable price.
    Andrew German
    Andrew German


    • #3
      Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

      Yes, I'm interested. Please contact me at

      brett Bondurant
      Brett Bondurant
      Cape Fear Living History Society


      • #4
        Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

        Gentlemen. I do not wish to hijack this post - But I have a question. Why has someone not put this on a CD-or DVD as pdf - As it is in such a demanded for it . I know it is very time consuming to do this. But as no misunderstanding for the purchase price, With All proceeds go to Historic Privation - Conley Sluss


        • #5
          Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

          To my knowledge, the CR's, who hold the copywrite on this product, have not, to this date, had any discussion on the topic.
          [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
          Past President Potomac Legion
          Long time member Columbia Rifles
          Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

            Great idea! I and I'm sure others as well would support it.

            Brett Bondurant
            Cape Fear Living History Society
            Brett Bondurant
            Cape Fear Living History Society


            • #7
              Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

              Originally posted by Brett Bondurant View Post
              Great idea! I and I'm sure others as well would support it.
              What, and ruin my retirement plan of selling my CRRC2?

              A test market run of this would be interesting. I'd get another copy.
              Mark Krausz
              William L. Campbell
              Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
              Old Northwest Volunteers
              Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


              • #8
                Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).


                Let's just say that there were some tensions, differences of opinions, and "bad blood" of sorts at work, perhaps best left to the principals and their seconds to share or not.

                Curt Schmidt
                In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                -Vastly Ignorant
                -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                • #9
                  Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                  Yep, some "rag" tried to reprint parts of the Compendium w/o permission.
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                  Past President Potomac Legion
                  Long time member Columbia Rifles
                  Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                    Someone did produce a small number of CRRC2's on CDR's, and was summarially asked to stop in short order by the powers that be. I'm fuzzy as to who produced them, but I do know it's been tried before.
                    Tyler Gibson
                    The Independent Rifles


                    • #11
                      Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                      Gentlemen. I do not wish to hijack this post - But I have a question. Why has someone not put this on a CD-or DVD as pdf - As it is in such a demanded for it . I know it is very time consuming to do this. But as no misunderstanding for the purchase price, With All proceeds go to Historic Privation - Conley Sluss
                      Gentlemen-As I see it. The Columbia Rifles Research Compendiums-were made to help educate people on a more Authentic Impression. The reason people are in quest for them. As I see it. converting it to an e-doc and placing it on DVD. Is a very practical thing to do? With the money form the sale of them going for Historic Privation. By now it is safe to say the books are in need of an update. Just my opinion. Conley Sluss


                      • #12
                        Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                        For the record:

                        While the publisher owns the copyright on the printed format, the authors of the various articles own their intellectual property. This includes the photographs. When it was discoverd that a CD version of the second edition existed, the CR asked that is cease.

                        Several of the authors have various other projects in process. For the book to be properly updated, time would be spent away from their livelihoods. One never says never but, without the permission of the authors, another edition is at a standstill.
                        Ley Watson
                        POC'R Boys Mess of the Columbia Rifles

                        [B][I]"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."[/I][/B]

                        [I]Coach Lou Holtz[/I]


                        • #13
                          Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                          Ley is correct in that when it comes to reprints of any kind -- especially third-party reprints -- the legalities of rights and permissions can become somewhat convoluted at best, and potentially a nightmare for the publisher to pursue at worst. Everything depends on what agreements the authors signed (if any) at the time of the original publication. As Ley points out, the CR likely owns the publication rights of the original printed format, and probably also reprint rights. But not necessarily.

                          I sign a couple dozen publishing contracts for my work each year, and you might be amazed at the things written in them, and how widely they can vary. They can be as simple as purchasing one-time rights only, or as complex as purchasing all rights to publish and republish forever and ever, in any existing format, and in any format that may someday exist but has not yet been invented. (Yeah, contracts often say exactly that in those exact words.) Depending on the rights agreed to, a publisher may be able to simply reprint something you've written any time they like any way they like, in whole or in part. I've had portions and snippets of my writing used repeatedly by the publications to whom I've sold them if that's what I agreed to. In other cases, I've had publishers contact me to negotiate further rights. And everything in between.

                          There's also an important difference between copyright and publishing rights. A writer can still own the copyright to a work, for example, but may have agreed to give publishing rights of any degree -- from minimal to total -- to a publisher.

                          The one thing that is never in question, however, is when a third party decides to reprint or otherwise use previously published and/or copyrighted work without the permission of either the copyright holder or the publishing rights holder, or both. For me to decide to scan and copy every page of CRRC-II and put it on CD-ROM (assuming I had a copy -- I wish!) is nearly 100% illegal. I say nearly, because if I've done it for my own personal use -- perhaps to extend the life of a tattered and worn text (or, in the case of software, to make my own backup copy), and NEVER SHARE IT WITH ANYONE ELSE, that's pretty much OK. If, on the other hand, I take that same copy and give it to someone else, or make several copies and pass them out to everyone in my unit, that is not legal under just about any publishing agreement that I've ever seen. These are pretty small-time incidents, though, and don't normally incur the wrath of attorneys. But you'll note that in those examples I didn't mention money. Make those copies and then SELL them, and you'll be hearing from lawyers for sure.

                          (By the way, I used the word "purchased" above when referring to publishers. Of course, not all published work is paid for. Again, depends on the agreement.)

                          In the case of the CRRC-II, I'm guessing that many of the authors would be pleased to have their work reprinted for a wider audience. Still, if the rights holders have not all agreed to that reprint being made, trouble is sure to follow.

                          I'm currently involved with trying to pursue compensation for the illegal publication of some of my work. About two years ago I was involved with a book project for which I wrote an outline, introduction, table of contents, sample chapter and several shorter text segments. I was originally to be the author of the book, and the work I produced was written for the purpose of selling the book to backers and distributors. This turned out to be successful, but when the book was finally green-lighted other projects had come up on my calendar making it impossible for me to do the book. So I had to pass on it, at which point they found another writer. No big deal; this happens sometimes. But imagine my surprise when the book came out a year ago and I saw that the publisher used my concept, my outline, my table of contents, my introduction, my sample chapter and those short text segments in the finished publication. I got no credit and, most importantly, no compensation. Since we had not yet gotten to the contract phase at the time of all my work, the publisher had no rights whatsoever to the materials I produced; once I was no longer attached to the project they were obliged to toss what I had produced in the trash but went ahead and used it all anyway without permission, credit or compensation. Heck, they didn't even tell me. The bad news is that the amount of work I did that they ultimately used would be valued at approximately $1,350. The good news is that my attorney feels that when I sue their sorry butts, I'll likely get at least five or six times that.

                          I've gone on too long. Anyway, to sum up there are a lot of folks who'd love to have a copy of CRRC-II -- I'm one of them! -- but unless the CR decides to republish, or someone else negotiates the rights to reprint, we're not likely to see it happen. *sigh*

                          A.J. Hamler


                          • #14
                            Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                            Well there were 1000 copies, The sale was slow at the beginning but I think a new run would be a great thing too! I love to hold books in my hands , much better than looking at the PC! But the valuable info in the CRRCII should be made accessible to more people than those 992( 8 books were lost on the way over the Atlantic) lucky ones ;-)))
                            Jan H.Berger

                            German Mess


                            "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


                            • #15
                              Re: The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium (2nd edition).

                              See, there you go. Seems the CRRCII is bound to be a collectors item.
                              [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                              Past President Potomac Legion
                              Long time member Columbia Rifles
                              Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]

