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Mexican War in the Civil War?

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  • Mexican War in the Civil War?

    Recently I went to Brice's Cross Roads with a friend and we saw a group of maybe 10-12 infantry confeds drilling. Since the battlefield is in the middle of farmland the guys got a pretty drilling session since the field looks the same way it did 100, 200, and 300 years ago. Anyway, one of the men was dressed in what I saw was a Mexican War uniform jacket, a haversack that looked like a jarnigan reproduction of that period, and, I am not very knowledgeable with pre civil war weapons, a smoothbore musket. Here is my question. My friend argued that there should be more soldiers wearing Mexican War gear for early war and a few standouts for late war. I felt this was absurd. Perhaps the older guys in units should wear the Mexican gear once in a while, but younger guys should keep away. Perhaps the gun and maybe the uniform for younger guys in early war impressions like militia not yet sent to battle, but late war should have very few Mexican War things at all. What are your thoughts on this?

    Spencer Tyce
    Of Co. E, 1st Fla Vol Inf of Pensacola on indefinite leave due to conscription into college life in Jacksonville

  • #2
    Re: Mexican War in the Civil War?

    I geuss it would be as common as Vietnam era items in Iraq today.
    Robert Johnson

    "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

    In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


    • #3
      Re: Mexican War in the Civil War?

      Originally posted by PensacolaFoot
      Here is my question. My friend argued that there should be more soldiers wearing Mexican War gear for early war and a few standouts for late war. I felt this was absurd. Perhaps the older guys in units should wear the Mexican gear once in a while, but younger guys should keep away. Perhaps the gun and maybe the uniform for younger guys in early war impressions like militia not yet sent to battle, but late war should have very few Mexican War things at all. What are your thoughts on this?
      Tell your friend to do research. His theories seem to be very "reenactorish" to begin with... what documentary evidence did he provide to support this assertation?

      This topic has been discussed over and over from hats to muskets to leathers. Use the search function here, read some books, there is lots of good info out there on the internet and plenty of resources referenced here.

      In the end . . . It really depends on who you're portraying, when, where, etc. etc. No general statement can be made. . .
      Last edited by RyanBWeddle; 06-01-2004, 01:35 PM.
      Ryan B.Weddle

      7th New York State Militia

      "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes" - Henry David Thoreau

      "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."
      – George Washington , 1789


      • #4
        Re: Mexican War in the Civil War?

        Brice's Crossroads was fought in June of 1864. By that time, the CS Central Quartermaster was, as a rule, keeping the troops in the field fairly well supplied.

        I'm not sure how many Mexican War era jackets would have been in the ranks anywhere in the American Civil War at all. They had been long replaced in the regular army and were LONG out of fashion with Militia units. So, given the small liklihood of them being around in 1861, why in the world would anyone assert they were correct for 1864?!?!?

        Furthermore, as Mr. Weddle said, this thread has been covered to death. Please use the search function if you are interested in learning more.
        John Stillwagon

