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2005 events

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  • 2005 events

    Can we get a list of 2005 events started? I am looking for a date to schedule an event, but I do not a conflict if it is at all possible.

    So if possible just post the events that are already scheduled.

    Thanks for you help

    Lisa Pace
    Lisa Pace

  • #2
    Re: 2005 events

    Here ya go... probably the most trustworthy list around...

    Tom Ezell


    • #3
      Re: 2005 events

      For those that might not be willing run the guantlet of the "welcoming committee" on the OTB forum, here is the event schedule listed on there. It is fairly complete in terms of events that might have a "national" and "regional" appeal, but may not include any smaller efforts or events that we have seen any information on.

      Phil Campbell
      Keeper of the OTB Schedule
      Updated 14 April 2004

      Date(s): January 2005 (Proposed)
      Event Name: Woodlands
      Location: Woodlands, South Carolina
      Host: Woodlands Trust (Private Landowner)
      Sponsor: Cotton Picker's Mess
      Discussion Format: TBA
      Contact: Federal: Chris Crabb
      Contact: Confederate: Chris Crabb
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Comments: Beta test effort in 2003 went well in spite of flooding due to extremely heavy rains.
      Event Point of Contact: Chris Crabb
      Event Type: Reinforced Picket Post Semi-Immersion
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES
      Registration: TBA

      Winter 1864 at Newfane NY moved to 2006

      Date(s): 25 - 27 February 2005 (Proposed)
      Event Name: Immortal 600 III
      Location: Savannah, Georgia
      Host: Wool Hat Boys
      Sponsor: National Park Service, Fort Pulaski
      Discussion Format: TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate: TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Comments: Highly successful event in 2002, and 2000.
      Event Point of Contact: John Cleaveland
      Event Type: Garrison-POW Immersion
      Impression(s): CS prisoners & Federal garrison (specifics TBA)
      Preservation: YES
      Registration: TBA

      11th Annual Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860s Conference, March 3-6, 2005, Harrisburg, PA
      Carolann Schmitt
      The Genteel Arts Academy, Gettysburg, Pa. Victorian period clothing seminars and classes. Students create Victorian period clothing using authentic sewing techniques and materials. Established 1988.

      Date(s): 11-20 March 2005
      Event Name:Averasboro-Bentonville Sherman March
      Location: Central NC
      Host: TBA
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Comments:Dovetails with mainstream battle reenactments.
      Event Point of Contact: TBA
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA

      Date(s): March 25 - 27, 2005 (Cancelled)
      Event Name: Battle of Glorieta Pass
      Location: Glorieta Pass, New Mexico
      Event Point of Contact: Kevin Black

      Date(s): April 1 - 3, 2005
      Event Name: Sailor's Creek Preservation March
      Location: Amelia County, Virginia
      Host: TBA
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: TBA
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES

      On April 1-3rd, 2005, The Salt River Rifles will be hosting an authentic, Federal Living History program at Shiloh National Military Park (annivesary weekend). The program will be an expanded and larger version of the 2004 program. The guidelines will be similair to the 2004 regs. You can review the 2004 regs at:

      If you would like to attend or have any questions please email me at

      Date(s): April 29 -30
      Event Name:Port Gibson March
      Location: Port Gibson, Mississippi
      Host: Wool Hat Boys
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Comments: "PG was supposed to be a one time only event. The breakdown of the march has resulted in some desire to attempt it again and this time break the back of that bitch hill under our brogans and complete the route in total." - Pogue Mahone
      Event Point of Contact: John Cleaveland
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES
      Registration: TBA

      Date(s): May 6 - 8, 2005
      Event Name: Battle of McDowell
      Location: McDowell, VA
      Host: 37th Virginia Infantry
      Sponsor: Highland County Historical Society
      Discussion Format:Yahoo! listserver
      Contact: Federal: David Culberson
      Contact: Confederate: Dave Pridgeon
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: Diane Klein
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES

      Date(s): Late May (Tentative)
      Event Name: "Workin' on the Railroad"
      Location: South Carolina
      Host: TBA
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate: TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: Cory Pharr
      Event Type: TBA
      Preservation: Yes

      Date(s): June 3 - 5 2005
      Event Name: "June Tactical"
      Location: TBA
      Host: Liberty Rifles
      Chris Anders says this event isn't happening.

      Date(s): Early-Mid June 2005
      Event Name: TBA
      Location: Pennsylvania (Tentative)
      Host: Potomac Legion
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate: N/A
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: Doug Oakes
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: Yes

      Date(s): July 2005 (Tentative)
      Event Name: "Coming Home"
      Location: East
      Host: Liberty Rifles
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate: TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: Chris Anders
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): Summer 1865
      Preservation: Yes
      Date(s): August 5 - 7, 2005
      Event Name: Athens
      Location: Athens, Missouri
      Host: Army of the Trans-Mississippi
      Sponsor: Athens Battlefield Park
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: (Background)
      Comments:The victorious Unionists prevented the invasion of Iowa, and the subsequent capture of vital military stores.
      Event Point of Contact: TBA
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): Missouri Home Guard and Missouri State Guard

      Date(s): Labor Day weekend (September 1-2 2005)
      Event Name: Island Mound/Order No. 11 Preservation March
      Location: TBA
      Host: TBA
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format: TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: TBA
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA

      Date(s): Oct./Nov. 2005
      Event Name: Mine Run
      Location: Payne Farm, Virginia
      Host: TBA
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Event Point of Contact: Dusty Chapman
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES

      Date(s): Oct. 2005
      Event Name:Battle of Corinth
      Location: Corinth, Mississippi
      Host: A N/S Alliance Planning Committee has been formed and is currently in the site acquisition phase.
      Sponsor: TBA
      Discussion Format:TBA
      Contact: Federal: TBA
      Contact: Confederate:TBA
      Civilian: TBA
      Website: TBA
      Comments:"2005 for Corinth and if that does not develop we go to Tunnel Hill either as the division or as the Trans -Mississippi Brigade."
      Event Point of Contact: TBA
      Event Type: TBA
      Impression(s): TBA
      Preservation: YES
      Phil Campbell


      • #4
        Re: 2005 McDowell Corrections

        A few important corrections for 2005 McDowell:

        The Federal contact is: Bill Watson
        The Event Contact and Committee Chairman is: Bob Denton

        Bob Denton
        McDowell Event Committee
        "If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders."

        George Carlin


        • #5
          Re: 2005 McDowell Corrections


          Thanks for posting here. We miss your experience, wisdom and humour.

          McDowell really is "The Mother of All Authentic Events' in the East and deserves big time support. It is the ONLY Civil War reenactment recognized by the Library of Congress. It is a "season opener" in the sense that it is early. The location is a beautiful valley hamlet near the West Virginia line. My pastor's great-great- grandfather fought there in the grey as I and he will do next spring. The event serves so many purposes it is hard to draw limits on the good it does. It draws attention to the Civil War heritage of the local hamlet, so small and so difficult to reach. It brings in needed cash which enables the local economy to resist other, more tempting but less history-friendly options. It educates by showing the 2500+ county students who attend Friday's living history.

          This is the "feel good" event for the 2005 season. We, as reenactors, get to do "good" on so many levels that we really have to wear this event as a feather in our caps. The event has grown tremendously over the last 7-8 years. It does a great deal of good locally for the historical society and the local economy. I love this little valley and hope that you will lend it your support.
          David Culberson
          The Rowdy Pards

