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Lee's Final Retreat

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  • Lee's Final Retreat

    Lee's Final Retreat
    April 15-17, 2005

    A campaign oriented event commemorating the 140th anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s retreat to Appomattox, and the rear guard actions from Amelia Springs to Saylors Creek.

    This event will be held in and around Sayor’s Creek State Battlefield, in countryside that has changed little in 140 years. It will feature infantry, mounted cavalry, and horse drawn artillery, with carefully scripted scenarios that will recreate the desperate fighting of the final days of the war in Virginia.

    Participation is open to all individuals willing to accurately portray the US and CS soldiers engaged in the original campaign. This includes marching 4-5 miles each day, and camping with a minimum of equipment.

    Registration will open
    October 1st, 2004
    Last edited by dusty27; 08-31-2004, 08:41 AM.
    Gerald Todd
    1st Maine Cavalry
    Eos stupra si jocum nesciunt accipere.

  • #2
    Re: Lee's Final Retreat

    Oh boy, an event where we get to use our spencers!!!! I am really looking forward to this event and to visiting the Old Dominion againm even if it is 12 hours to get there.
    [FONT=Georgia]John Cleaveland[/FONT]


    • #3
      Re: Lee's Final Retreat

      Comrade John,

      12 hours? You lucky stiff! :)
      It's about 12 hours from my house in Maine just to Gettysburg...sigh....just cause I live on the East Coast doesn't mean I'm closer to the events than you Western fellers.
      It will be good to get back down to this area, though, as it's still very nice and the weather is always interesting that time of year.
      Tim Kindred
      Medical Mess
      Solar Star Lodge #14
      Bath, Maine


      • #4
        Re: Lee's Final Retreat

        "A campaign oriented event commemorating the 140th anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s retreat to Appomattox, and the rear guard actions from Amelia Springs to Saylors Creek."

        The event was a hoot in 2000. It was a serious challenge due to the weather and the Pridgeon Nautical miles covered by the march, but a hoot nevertheless. This looks like a great opportunity and really hope it comes together. I'd like to see widespread support from the campaign community backing this one. Lee's last campaign was a miracle in terms of the human endurance of both sides, an example of extreme heroism, and a grand tragedy culminating in courtesy and generosity in the terms agreed to at Appomattox. It'd be nice to do this one right with good numbers.
        David Culberson
        The Rowdy Pards


        • #5
          Re: Lee's Final Retreat

          Pards, There are a lot of people working real hard to pull this one off! We on the commitee would love to see a heavy federal presence at this event! It would be ridiculous to have confederates outnumber federals. Thanks to everyone involved with this event- I say bully to you! Respectfully,


          • #6
            Re: Lee's Final Retreat

            Me too. I cannot wait for this event.


            Paid. Then donated my fee to the Lazy Jacks. Thanks for the memories.
            Ley Watson
            POC'R Boys Mess of the Columbia Rifles

            [B][I]"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."[/I][/B]

            [I]Coach Lou Holtz[/I]


            • #7
              Re: Lee's Final Retreat

              Man, I am so there! Can't wait to wear my new Tait. Well, it was new back in '04.
              Tom Yearby
              Texas Ground Hornets

              "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


              • #8
                Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                Wasn't there aliens involved in this event? LFR or bust!
                Mitchell L Critel
                Wide Awake Groupie
                Texas Ground Hornets


                • #9
                  Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                  No, no aliens but something was said about a Confederate breakout. Can't wait to make it!

                  Neill Rose


                  • #10
                    Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                    So, this means Runyon hasn't taken off his Mod hat and I haven't threatened to knife him, and we haven't made up with a kiss yet. Man, I like going back to '04.
                    Tom Yearby
                    Texas Ground Hornets

                    "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


                    • #11
                      Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                      Folder removed since only one thread in it. This thread moved to Past Events 2005.
                      Paul Calloway
                      Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                      Proud Member of the GHTI
                      Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                      Wayne #25, F&AM


                      • #12
                        Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                        I thought I was sleeping and having a nightmare there for a minute.
                        [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                        Past President Potomac Legion
                        Long time member Columbia Rifles
                        Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                        • #13
                          Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                          Me too.

                          Was there ever a report on how much money was sent to the Lazy Jacks?
                          Ley Watson
                          POC'R Boys Mess of the Columbia Rifles

                          [B][I]"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."[/I][/B]

                          [I]Coach Lou Holtz[/I]


                          • #14
                            Re: Lee's Final Retreat


                            Doug Cooper had a hand in that fundraising effort. He may know.
                            [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                            [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                            [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                            [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                            [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                            [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                            [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                            • #15
                              Re: Lee's Final Retreat

                              Originally posted by ley74 View Post
                              Me too.

                              Was there ever a report on how much money was sent to the Lazy Jacks?
                              Yes there was, and it was posted on the forum. Can't find it anymore unfortunately - it was among the many threads that died in the recent crash (orig thread was Mar-April 2005). We raised all told I think about $650, which was about 1/10 of what they spent to not go to that cursed event. Only one of them was able to get out of his ticket. I presented the check to them in April 2005 at Gettysburg. I could not get out of my ticket either and was able to meet Jon Eggleston and turn over the money. They were overwhelmed.

                              There are now 17 of them coming to Banks' Grand Retreat - a level of committment and trust that is extraordinary...but that is the kind of men they are.
                              Soli Deo Gloria
                              Doug Cooper

                              "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                              Please support the CWT at

