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Athens AAR

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  • Athens AAR

    Made it home, and enjoyed a grand, early war event. The sleepy little town of Athens has such a quaint and unique feel.

    The highlights:

    - A beautiful site above the, now large, Des Moines river. The view from the bluff during the Sunday morning church service was moving.

    - Waking in the wee hours of the morning to distant storms/lightning. Scared some off, but lying there through it and never catching a drop was a nonforgettable experience.

    - I can't remember the last time I took a nap in the grass, under a large shade tree, with a cool breeze, on a 100+ heat index day.

    - As anyone will attest, you never get used to seeing a company of men charge you with bayonets. We were supposed to run, but after being caught in the moment, I didn't need to think about it.

    - Mr and Mrs Sorchy's, (hey, she's going to be soon and the way she took care of us and you, I think she's earned it!), hospitality and camp/restaurant/tavern impression. A nice way to pass some time in the evening.

    - The great food.
    - The great impressions.

    - The work Charles Hoskins and Mitch Critel put toward making this successful. (And anyone else I missed.) It was a pleasure serving as Major "Sugar Ray's" adjutant.

    It was a quality event and even the high temps couldn't take away from it. If you didn't make this one, get on board for Marmaduke's. You are truly missing some great things happening in Missouri...
    Jay Stevens
    Tater Mess
    Independent Volunteers
    Iron Man Mess
    Reenactor Preservation Coalition
    Friends of Historic Lone Jack

    Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

    Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
    Lost Tribes, October 2009
    Bummers, November 2009
    Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
    The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
    In the Van, August 2010
    Before The Breakout Sept 2010

    "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson

  • #2
    Re: Athens AAR

    Hear Hear....
    And lets not forget the wonderful slab bacon provided by the park, along with the seemingly never ending links of sausage.
    Travis Franklin
    "Patrick Fhailen"

    The Missoura Shirkers
    4th Mo. Inf.

    "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862


    • #3
      Re: Athens AAR

      My compliments, Travis, for spelling "Hear, Hear" correctly as used in this context, as opposed to many who spell it "here, here". It's nice to see younger folks up on this kind of thing.:)
      Michael Comer
      one of the moderator guys


      • #4
        Re: Athens AAR

        Ha, many thanks.
        Travis Franklin
        "Patrick Fhailen"

        The Missoura Shirkers
        4th Mo. Inf.

        "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862


        • #5
          Re: Athens AAR

          Oh and does anybody have pictures from Athens ?
          Travis Franklin
          "Patrick Fhailen"

          The Missoura Shirkers
          4th Mo. Inf.

          "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862


          • #6
            Re: Athens AAR

            Ditto the above.

            I had a great time, and was happy to get to meet many people I have only "seen" on these boards. It was a great event, and the log cannon was a blast. The park and buildings gave an excellent setting for the event, and kudos to the Park Service people that worked their backsides off to help make this a success.
            Ron Mueller
            New Madrid Guards

            "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
            Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
            Abraham Lincoln


            • #7
              Re: Athens AAR

              Had a lovely time in good ole Athens once again. Three years ago this event really took me by surprise as I hadn't seen so many good looking impressions all together out this way. I figured all the good impressions had to be on the east coast somewhere, but I was wrong! It ain't too bad out west. ;)

              Anyways, despite totaling my car on the way there (a few others totaled their car as well on the way, but still managed to make the event), it really was a great relaxing time. Thanks to Terry & co. for his wonderful meals. I'm sorry Terry for not eating as much as you would like me to. I always tend to lose my appetite at events. Something about a women's wardrobe that makes it a little difficult to consume large amounts of food. :D

              Thank you Jay for bringing the Cherry Bounce and sharing it with us all! ;)

              Also great to see good friends again and meet new ones. This is a lovely little village and if you were at the event three years ago, you could tell they have done A LOT of work to it. There's much more work to be done, but it's great to see people interested in this historic site. It's in the perfect location as well, being far enough away from modern intrusions. The stars at night were breathtaking.

              {Edit to add- In the image I attached, from left to right: Anna Allen, Brandi Jones, Mary Gutzke.}

              Next up, Marmaduke's Raid!!
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Anna Allen; 08-04-2008, 09:21 PM.
              Anna Allen
              <a href="">Star of the West Society</a>
              [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Cherry Bounce Girls Mess[/B][/COLOR] :p

              [I]It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word.[/I]-Andrew Jackson


              • #8
                Re: Athens AAR

                Is that picture from the Saturday afternoon picnic? If it is, rest assured the Kahoka Home Guard took care of "guarding" the food when it was abandoned by the pro Marty Green picnic-ers. Except the carrots. Those were delivered back to the outdoor kitchen.
                Andy Ackeret
                A/C Staff
                Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


                • #9
                  Re: Athens AAR

                  I'm so sorry to have had to miss this one! I sounds like everyone had a great time.
                  Annette Bethke
                  Austin TX
                  Civil War Texas Civilian Living History


                  • #10
                    Re: Athens AAR

                    Originally posted by GWHall View Post
                    Is that picture from the Saturday afternoon picnic? If it is, rest assured the Kahoka Home Guard took care of "guarding" the food when it was abandoned by the pro Marty Green picnic-ers. Except the carrots. Those were delivered back to the outdoor kitchen.
                    Yes, it sure is. Only we put together that picnic especially for the boys in the Missouri State Guard! But they didn't get any of it!

                    And what are you talking about, those carrots were good!
                    Anna Allen
                    <a href="">Star of the West Society</a>
                    [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Cherry Bounce Girls Mess[/B][/COLOR] :p

                    [I]It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word.[/I]-Andrew Jackson


                    • #11
                      Re: Athens AAR

                      Lest we shock anyone (and far be it from us to shock anyone at Athens) I feel that I ought to clarify Anna's photograph. In early August 1861 the leading pro-secesh citizens of Athens had taken up a subscription to prepare a banquet for what they hoped would be a thrilling State Guard victory. That photo shows some of the Athenian ladies shortly after they prepared the picnic. The ladies stayed only long enough to set the food out at the site, but of course left the moment Mr. Sorchy and Mr. Staples arrived to host the picnic. They did not stay to watch what happened (that wouldn't have been proper, of course.)

                      As we all know, however, events turned out rather differently. When the tide of battle turned, I believe Messrs Sorchy and Staples skedaddled and left the banquet to the Missouri Home Guard. From what I heard the MHG made short work of the pies, cherries, biscuits, pound cakes, and other delectables. I'm not sure why they eschewed the carrots.

                      I also wanted to say that I had such a fantastic time at the event. I was particularly impressed with the Rangers and the State Park staff who labored heroically to clear the park after the storm damage. The houses looked great! It was so nice to see old friends, finally meet dear Polly Steenhagen, as well as many other wonderful new folks. It's hard to pick out favorite events and moments, but I especially enjoyed Captain Smith's excellent cooking (thanks to the Sorchies and all their hard-working helpers); Deborah Hyland's terrific candy and Gen'l Merchandise shop; meeting Holler's better half; being toasted by the Wide Awakes and treated to Cherry B'hounce; having my pies stolen (though poor Holler was inappropriately blamed for that); seeing the night sky full of stars; and as always visiting with the Taters, who are the great gentlemen of our hobby.
                      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
                      [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
                      [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


                      • #12
                        Re: Athens AAR

                        Originally posted by Anna Allen View Post
                        Yes, it sure is. Only we put together that picnic especially for the boys in the Missouri State Guard! But they didn't get any of it!

                        And what are you talking about, those carrots were good!
                        Marty's boys may have had more success if they knew there were carrots waiting for them in town. I think what carried the Home Guard to victory was a sugar high from the apples, grapes, and cookies.

                        While on the topic of food at Athens, Sunday's breakfast was great. The flapjacks (or for those who insist, flipjacks) were excellent. If anyone who didn't attend hasn't been able to tell from the AARs, Terry Sorchy fed us a lot.
                        Andy Ackeret
                        A/C Staff
                        Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


                        • #13
                          Re: Athens AAR

                          Of course we ladies only stuck around long enough after setting up the picnic to verify that the food was, indeed, edible. We wanted to make sure our boys were getting quality food, ya know. ;)

                          This was my first time out to Athens, and I sure had a good time. How neat to be able to live in the buildings that actually witnessed the battle and walk the same grounds, see where the streets of the town once were. Thank you Silvana for all your hard work on the civilian end, and all the others who worked to make the event a success.

                          And Terry, I'm with Anna--I'm sure I'll never eat as much as you'd like, but in no way is it a commentary on your cooking. Too much food + corset = bad combination. :D

                          As always I had fun seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Now I just need to get a vacation home in Missouri.
                          Mary Gutzke


                          • #14
                            Re: Athens AAR

                            This year was my first time at the Athens event and I had a fantastic time. It was great to see old and new friends and to meet so many great people. Thank you to Silvana for giving me the honor of presenting the battle flags to the troops. Also thank you to Mrs. Brenton for her great mercantile, and allowing me to be a part of it. And as always the food is always great at Mr. Smith’s Inn.

                            Brandi Jones

                            Brandi Jones


                            • #15
                              Re: Athens AAR

                              oops sorry about the large photos, I'm new at the posting thing. If someone could fix it for me I would appreciate it.
                              Brandi Jones
                              Brandi Jones

