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The Race to Knoxville

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  • The Race to Knoxville


    The Mossy Creek Mess and The New Knoxville Mess have committed to hosting a tactical event at the site of the recreated Fort Sanders NW bastion in Corryton, TN, on the weekend of April 17-19, 2009. The site is a privately owned, working 160acre farm. The terrain is varied, but is gently rolling with pasture, wood and creek. Plan on arriving after 6pm on Friday. The event will go live at about 11pm.

    The confederate side will consist of the 4th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The federal side will portray the 2nd Michigan.

    The tactical scenario for April 2009 will be unscripted.

    Rations will be issued and will be covered in your registration cost. Uniform and equipment inspection will be done at registration at the time of check in.

    The site is just now up, it will be changing over the next few days, so check back.

    Additionally, another site will be set up for the Fort Sanders adjunct campaingner company as well.

    pictures of the fort can be seen at

    The website is:

    Last edited by Greg Barnett; 11-24-2008, 12:16 AM.
    Greg S Barnett
    Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

    New Knoxville Mess
    ArmoryGuards/ WIG

    An authentic person of true insignificance

  • #2
    Re: The Race to Knoxville

    Greg,put me down for a spot.I will let you know what my friends and I will do soon.
    Cullen Smith
    South Union Guard

    "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

    "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


    • #3
      Re: The Race to Knoxville

      There is a registration form on the site. Click on the tab on the left. Your info should come to my email. Mail payment to Sean Cooper.
      Please put Fed or Confed in the comments box along with any other issues that one may have personally.

      I hope to have the command staff set up after this weekend. This may help the decision making process.
      Greg S Barnett
      Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

      New Knoxville Mess
      ArmoryGuards/ WIG

      An authentic person of true insignificance


      • #4
        Re: The Race to Knoxville

        SCAR has pledged support of this effort to fill out the 2nd MI. Sounds like Sean and Greg have found a dandy reproduction fort. The video of the fort looks pretty good from what I can see.

        Jim Butler
        Jim Butler


        • #5
          Re: The Race to Knoxville

          This is a post for clarification.

          The Race to Knoxville event is a non-spectator tactical event, that is being held in April on the same site as the mainstream Fort Sanders event. The Spring event is authentic only. All standard will be enforced!

          Both Federal and Confederate forces will be present for this event. The 2nd Michigan (Sean Cooper, Mossy Creek Mess and SRR) and the 4th Alabama (Greg Barnett, New Knoxville Mess and Armory Guards)

          There will also be a Garrisoned federal unit with few artillery pieces. These men will remain in the fort through the weekend and will be performing fatigue duty. The 2nd Michigan will be the unit of resistance and harassment for the confederates.

          The command structure will be announced in the next few days. This will be a treat for attendees. There will be a few added elements for the weekend that will increase the "likability".

          __________________________________________________ _______________

          The October event The Battle of Fort Sanders, is a campaigner adjunct event. This is the mainstream event. The portrayal for this weekend is Confederate company only. The 16th Georgia. Hope is to raise a 50+ man company. The campaigner company will serve as the interpretive unit for spectator education at times through Sat and Sun. There will be more to come on this event with a web site for guidance as well. The spring event has started to grow into something more than I had expected, so it is taking a little extra attention at present.

          If you have any questions on either event please feel free to email me or Sean Cooper.

          Thanks to all with intrest.
          Greg S Barnett
          Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

          New Knoxville Mess
          ArmoryGuards/ WIG

          An authentic person of true insignificance


          • #6
            Re: The Race to Knoxville

            Event Announcement:

            The Confederate Command for the 4th Alabama will be:

            Captain Brian Hicks, Commanding

            Adjutant G. S. Barnett

            Company Commanders

            Company B


            Company C

            Captain Jeff E. Noland, East Tenn

            Company G

            Captain Kiev Thomason, Armory Guards

            Company B will be announced as invitations are accepted.
            Greg S Barnett
            Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

            New Knoxville Mess
            ArmoryGuards/ WIG

            An authentic person of true insignificance


            • #7
              Re: The Race to Knoxville

              To keep in tune with my fine friend Herb(OCN) I will not take his thunder and bait my boys with pie....I will offer muffins.Get em while they are hot.Sign up for company G men and baked goods will be yours:wink_smil
              Kiev Thomason
              a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
              Armory Guards
              Forest Park Lodge #399
              Forest Park GA.


              • #8
                Re: The Race to Knoxville

                Sorry, double post.
                Eric N. Harley-Brown
                Currently known to associate with the WIG/AG

                "It has never been fully realized, nor appreciated by the people of the North-the great part in preserving the Union, the brave, loyal,and patriotic Union men, in the mountainous parts of the Southern states, rendered" - Orderly Sgt. Silas P. Woodall (2nd grt. grnd...) member of "Kennemers Union Scouts & Guides"-organized in Woodville, Alabama 1863.


                • #9
                  Re: The Race to Knoxville

                  Now Kiev, just what might be the flavor, of them ther' hot muffins ? I'm partial to blueberry myself ! Here comes the muffin,la,la,la,la,la.:tounge_sm
                  Eric N. Harley-Brown
                  Currently known to associate with the WIG/AG

                  "It has never been fully realized, nor appreciated by the people of the North-the great part in preserving the Union, the brave, loyal,and patriotic Union men, in the mountainous parts of the Southern states, rendered" - Orderly Sgt. Silas P. Woodall (2nd grt. grnd...) member of "Kennemers Union Scouts & Guides"-organized in Woodville, Alabama 1863.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Race to Knoxville

                    Greg count me in
                    Marvin Greer
                    Snake Nation Disciples

                    "Now bounce the Bullies!" -- Lt. David Cornwell 9th Louisiana Colored Troops, Battle of Milliken's Bend.



                    • #11
                      Re: The Race to Knoxville

                      Just a few notes on the spring tactical:

                      The Confederate company numbers will be limited. Capt Kiev Thomason's company will be primarily preserved for the Armory Guards. The max number will be set at 30. East Tennessee Authentics are requested to enlist in Capt Jeff Noland's company. The max number for Co C will be 25 rifles.

                      Our good friend, W Decker, will be present for the weekend for ambrotypes or ferrotypes. Time will be allowed for images as the weekend allows. The federals may have the market on time, as they will be garrisoned or near the fort for the weekend. Confederates will have ops on Sunday, I am sure.

                      There will also be a historical lecture, by William “Dewey” Beard, in regard to the East Tennessee campaign on Friday evening or on Sunday morning. The times will be nailed down as the date approaches. Dewey is our very own resident expert on the East Tenn campaign. He is published in this area.

                      The preservation aspect of our event is still being detailed. Our plan is to contribute to the effort to preserve the following fortification, that is currently on private land.
                      There is an earthen fortification that is being preserved or purchased by Knox and Jefferson Counties. The fort is in the Strawberry Plains area. It is near the Holston river. (You may have seen the photos by George N. Barnard.) The fort seen in the background is what we are talking about. The stone railroad structures can still be seen today. Dewey Beard has some great info on this site and the area surrounding. (This fort may be available for authentic living history use in the near future.)

                      There are also some great stories about this bridge.
                      I will, hopefully, share in the near future.

                      Our intent is to make a donation to the effort to preserve this fort, near the bridge.
                      Attached Files
                      Greg S Barnett
                      Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

                      New Knoxville Mess
                      ArmoryGuards/ WIG

                      An authentic person of true insignificance


                      • #12
                        Re: The Race to Knoxville

                        I don't know if the AG will get 30 men to the event...I hope we can. However don't wait to sign up if you want into my company. I know this is gonna be a good event as much work as Greg and his Pards are putting into it!
                        Kiev Thomason
                        a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
                        Armory Guards
                        Forest Park Lodge #399
                        Forest Park GA.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Race to Knoxville

                          Federal Command Structure:

                          Co. A

                          Jim Butler- Captain
                          Sean Cooper-Lt.

                          For now the federals will act as one company.
                          Sean Cooper


                          • #14
                            Re: The Race to Knoxville


                            We are working on a deal for RD II jackets and Federal Sack Coats for the event. This will be of correct construction and at a great price. Please pay attention to posts, so that you may take advantage of the offerings.

                            Also, please check the website for updates and registration.

                            We are still planning on a third Confederate company of middle Tennessee men, if posssible. I know that the 2009 calenders ar being plannned, so keep the event in mind. We want to make it worthwhile and there will be special advantages to being on either side. :wink_smil

                            The Federal and Confederate sides have some quality folks committed already.
                            Greg S Barnett
                            Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

                            New Knoxville Mess
                            ArmoryGuards/ WIG

                            An authentic person of true insignificance


                            • #15
                              Re: The Race to Knoxville

                              For those in the WIG looking to go to the SWB's living history program at Antietam an RD II would be a good thing to have.
                              [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
                              [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
                              [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]

