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2011 Boonesfield events

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  • 2011 Boonesfield events

    In the interest of de-confliction, I am happy to announce the dates for our Spring and Fall Boonesfield events. Both will be primarily living history events focusing on everyday life and seasonal chores.

    As of this writing, neither of these events conflicts with anything else currently on the books for 2011.

    Both events will be held over a three-day period, from Friday through Sunday.

    Spring: May 27 - 29, 2011

    Fall: September 30 - October 2, 2011.
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
    [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil

  • #2
    Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

    Some good news for those interested in authentic village events.

    First, about Boonesfield -- as some of you know, the site has decided to focus future events entirely on the Daniel Boone era. Therefore, we've had to move our village events to a different location. I'm delighted to announce that the Memorial Day event as previously announced will still be held -- but in a new place: Independence village near Oakland, Illinois (about an hour south of Champaign, not too far from the Indiana border.)

    Independence is a constructed village, composed primarily of log cabins from the 1820s through the Civil War era. It's rough, wild, primitive, and beautiful.

    We're still ironing out event details, but I wanted to let you know right away -- even before all the info is in -- so that those folks who were interested could keep their original vacation dates. The village is wonderful -- almost no modern intrusions, very rural (no utility poles! no electricity! Lovely, friendly, accommodating owners!) And we will have the village to ourselves -- there will be no spectators.

    I can't tell you at this moment what the registration will be. It depends on whether we have to insure the event ourselves, or whether the owners will be able to insure the event. If we have to buy our own insurance, then reg will be around $30 (depending on how many want to come.) If not, then the event will be very inexpensive. I hope to find out within 2 weeks.

    Regarding the scenario: rural farm folk, early war. Impressions will be hard-working, respectable, not terribly prosperous (e.g., nothing dressy or fancy, please). Sorry if this sounds picky, but there will be inspections of kit and gear. Look, it's so rare to be able to play in a village like this without any modern intrusions and without spectators. There will be no need for third-person interpretations. So we expect everyone to do their bit to maintain the period atmosphere. This event is being posted as first-person, immersion, hard-core authentic, so please, if that isn't your cup of tea, think carefully before deciding to ask for an invitation. If you need the comforts of home, nice clothes, and a relaxed attitude toward first-person interactions, then this might not be the right event for you.

    I'm the world's most inept photographer, so pardon the awful quality of these pics, but here are some photos of the village. Bear in mind that they were taken on an overcast winter afternoon. I've seen this village in the summer -- it really is very pretty. (ETA: sweep your cursor over the word"photos" to see link.)

    I'll post more information as interest develops. Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Last edited by Silvana Siddali; 12-18-2010, 10:41 AM. Reason: problem seeing link
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
    [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


    • #3
      Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

      Glad to hear it! Nice to see things still moving forward.
      Annette Bethke
      Austin TX
      Civil War Texas Civilian Living History


      • #4
        Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

        This is quite a plesant surprise. I'm looking forward to more details of the event.

        Nanci Gasiel
        Last edited by ngasiel; 12-22-2010, 02:49 PM.
        Nanci Gasiel


        • #5
          Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

          I am also looking forward to seeing more information. How exciting, the last Boonesfield was quite difficult to stay in first person often and I sadly gave up after awhile, so hoping to get to another good firper event sometime soon. Of course I am still in training until Sep, so I can't plan on anything for sure, but hopefully next year will be better!! Thanks for doing all the legwork Silvana and the pics are great!

          [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]Cheers,

          Nicolette A. Sebastian[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

            Thanks so much, Annette, Nancilee, and Nicolette. Hope to see you all at Independence some time soon. I will start a new thread under that title, in order to keep things clear.


            [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
            [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
            [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


            • #7
              Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

              Nice jail. Wouldn't mind doing a reprise of my Boonesfield sheriff role there.
              Michael Comer
              one of the moderator guys


              • #8
                Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

                .......... Sure would like to someday see William Anders and his "Merry men" frequenting the village....
                Jay Stevens
                Tater Mess
                Independent Volunteers
                Iron Man Mess
                Reenactor Preservation Coalition
                Friends of Historic Lone Jack

                Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

                Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
                Lost Tribes, October 2009
                Bummers, November 2009
                Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
                The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
                In the Van, August 2010
                Before The Breakout Sept 2010

                "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


                • #9
                  Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

                  That would work really well, Jay. We could revive the memory of my late "husband," Luke, and I'd love to see the Anders band ride again.
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
                  [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
                  [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


                  • #10
                    Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

                    Your late husband Luke came before your late husband John Schwartz, no doubt. As for the Ander's gang, as I recall, most of it is down in the creek face down
                    Tom Yearby
                    Texas Ground Hornets

                    "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


                    • #11
                      Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

                      Them's fightin' words, Reverend!

                      Maybe some of those boys survived the mass hanging and slunk off to ride again. We'll have to see. Any chance of a Texas contingent making its way northward??
                      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
                      [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
                      [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


                      • #12
                        Re: 2011 Boonesfield events

                        I reckon I get a tad confused about which one of your dead husbands came first. Last time I saw you was back in '61 when you were living along Wilson's Creek and was strongly denying your marriage to the late Mr. Schwartz. I knew him to be a liar and a hog thief and have first hand knowledge of his fate, so I can understand your denials. So, the late husband Luke you spoke of must of been some city fellow you married on the rebound. Regardless of how many dead husbands you now have, I do hope to see you in the future.
                        Tom Yearby
                        Texas Ground Hornets

                        "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear

