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Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

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  • Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...


    This is a run down of the men who have submitted their 11th Penn Federal Adjunct Registration. If you have only completed your registration for the main Maryland, My Maryland registration, this is only step one of two. See the following website to complete your registration for the adjunct and submit your ration payment of $10 via check, or $10.60 via PayPal.

    11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:

    This will be an outstanding event with planning assisted from Bill Birney and is not one to be missed. There is a cap on the main event registration, so get yours in soon!

    11th Penn Reserve Adjunct Registration Roster as on 6/3/2012:

    Johnny Lloyd
    Jeremy Bevard
    Thomas Steele
    Art Stone
    William Fabus
    Robby Cook
    Aaron Gamble
    Matt Bohnert
    James O'Dea
    Ian Fulford
    Greg Swank
    William Flemming
    Jackson Foster
    Paul Flemming
    James Owens
    Jonathan Gillis
    Mark Burroughs
    Edward Van Zile
    Brian Emerson
    Bill Bamann
    William Watson
    Ed Davenport
    Rob Westbrook
    John Legg
    Robert Stafford
    Christopher Adams
    Mark Bonekowski
    Andrew Roscoe
    Jeff Johannes
    Doug Lyons

    If your name is not on this list:
    1) it should be - this will be one hell of an event!
    2) You have not submitted your Adjunct registration and Ration payment.

    See the 11th Penn Reserve website to complete the registration. There are multiple methods to complete it - PDF, DOC, etc. Please find the one that will work best for you.

    11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:

    11th Penn Reserve - Maryland, My Maryland Federal Adjunct Facebook Page:

    11th Penn Reserve - Company B Facebook Pages:

    11th Penn Reserve - Company D Facebook Pages:

    If you have any questions or problems, let me know asap.


    Thomas Steele
    11th Penn Reserve Inf. (recreated)
    Thomas Steele
    Sally Port Mess
    Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
    Old Northwest Volunteers

    Marmadukes Raid II
    BGA Gettysburg - 24th Mich, Co. F
    Fort Sanders - 20th Mich

  • #2
    Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

    URGENT -

    Maryland, My Maryland is approaching its number cap. This is a critical time to make your decision and get your registration in to be part of the Federal Adjunct.

    Don't miss out, boys! Lots planned with some good civilian and confederate interaction, I am assured by the event planners.

    At the very least - get your Maryland, My Maryland main event registration in and let me know you intend on being part of the Bloody 11th Pennsylvania Reserves!

    Want to come, but not by yourself - bring a pard to solve the problem!

    Don't Dilly Dally! Rally to the Flag men!

    Maryland, My Maryland Main Event Website:

    11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:


    Thomas Steele
    11th Penn Reserve Inf (recreated)
    Thomas Steele
    Sally Port Mess
    Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
    Old Northwest Volunteers

    Marmadukes Raid II
    BGA Gettysburg - 24th Mich, Co. F
    Fort Sanders - 20th Mich


    • #3
      Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...


      The walk-through went very well of the event site yesterday. Even better we are getting everything we ask for by our gracious hosts!

      We will have a separate camp of our own Friday night. The best part is on Saturday through Sunday we will recreate the moment in real time of the 11th Penn Reserves at Antietam. So, Saturday night we will be resting on arms with our pickets out in a cornfield. On the other side of that cornfield will be the 4th Texas. This will last till the historic hour that the 11th Penn Reserves were pulled back. We wont be going far however as come Sunday morning we will be hitting the 4th Texas with buck and ball to stop their advance in the cornfield!

      Gents, this is going to be a great time with memorable moments. Especially the 12+ hours of real time immersion.

      The event is only 1000 men away from being capped out. That means no more can register. GET IN YOUR REGISTRATIONS! If nothing else get in at least your main event registration so you don’t miss out.

      Thomas Steele
      11th Penn. Reserve Inf (recreated)
      Thomas Steele
      Sally Port Mess
      Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
      Old Northwest Volunteers

      Marmadukes Raid II
      BGA Gettysburg - 24th Mich, Co. F
      Fort Sanders - 20th Mich


      • #4
        Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

        "Federal Registration will remain open till Aug 1st, or we hit the 4,000 limit, which I think will come first!". This is from Anders. Get registered!! Don't delay!!

        Jeremy Bevard
        Civil War Digital Digest
        Sally Port Mess


        • #5
          Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

          Registration info:

          11th Pa Reserves Pimpin' Hypin' Raisin' Maryland My Maryland, Sept 5-7 2012, Potomac Legion Adjunct
          11th Pa Reserves Pimpin' Hypin' Raisin' Maryland My Maryland, Sept 7-9 2012, Potomac Legion Adjunct

          I done went and volunteered to run Company G, 11th Pa Reserves. "G" for gimp, "G" for Grumpy. Fitting, right?

          So, if you'd like to attend the event, sign up for my company. We'll act stupid, burp, fart and make wise cracks, all the while trying hard not to ruin someone’s moment or movement. I promise not to have you stand at shoulder arms until your hand falls off, or line you up facing the sun. We're all adults so, I won't be telling you to drink water every 15 minutes. If you know someone new who'd like to try this campaigner thing out for the first time, I promise not to make him or her look like a fool, send them my way.

          No, you don’t' have to cross the big scary mountains if you don't want to and you don't have to cross that big muddy river if you don't feel like it either and, I won't berate you for not coming East for events. But, having been part of the PL event communication for the 11th Reserves for a while and knowing Billy Birney the TV star is busting his hump to pull this thing off, added to the fact, the 11th Reserves (who we'll be portraying) will actually be doing a thing or two I've never seen done, this should be fun. Kids, historical record shows some civilian took a whole company to his house and made them pancakes for breakfast. So, here's how it goes if you'd like to register.

          First, you go here and register:

          For your unit group you put "Potomac Legion"
          It's nice, they do paypal.
          This tells Mr. Anders and his folks, you’re coming and falling in with the 11th Reserves.

          Then you go here:

          You can either do everything on line, and pay by paypal or print out a copy and do snail mail.
          This part of registration is for two different things. First, for your rations. 2nd, so you can pick what company you want to be in. Pick "G."

          All of the history of the 11th Reserves is there too.
          Uniform standards are here.
          As of now, we’re looking at 60 rounds, properly packed, historically speaking. To start with.

          So, sign up, we'll try to do things right and have some fun while we're at it.

          Oh, and, nobody will die.

          Questions? and, I have a phone and I know how to use i
          [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
          Past President Potomac Legion
          Long time member Columbia Rifles
          Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

            Corn fed registration is all closed up. I'm still looking for 10-12 more. Come on. Just buck up and register.
            [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
            Past President Potomac Legion
            Long time member Columbia Rifles
            Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


            • #7
              Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

              First, you go here and register:

              For your unit group you put "Potomac Legion"
              It's nice, they do paypal.
              This tells Mr. Anders and his folks, you’re coming and falling in with the 11th Reserves.

              Then you go here:

              You can either do everything on line, and pay by paypal or print out a copy and do snail mail.
              This part of registration is for two different things. First, for your rations. 2nd, so you can pick what company you want to be in. Pick "G."

              All of the history of the 11th Reserves is there too.
              Uniform standards are here.
              As of now, we’re looking at 60 rounds, properly packed, historically speaking. To start with.

              So, sign up, we'll try to do things right and have some fun

              We're coming up against a registration deadline. We're just about at "now or never."
              [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
              Past President Potomac Legion
              Long time member Columbia Rifles
              Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


              • #8
                Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry REGISTER NOW!!!

                Men of the Union!

                There is but little time left for others to register and rally to the call to fight at Maryland, My Maryland!

                The battalion staff and event planners have been working hard to make a memorable experience for you all. You can help by bringing any pards and comrades to join in the experience. A site walk-though has been completed by some staff and company officers with a resounding response - Wow!

                Only 2 weeks remain for registration to remain open, or sooner if the numbers fill up. Let's fill those remaining spots with 11th Pennsylvania men and give Skip Owens and the 4th Texas a run for their money!

                Main Registration:
                NOTE: Use Potomac Legion or PL in the Company/Unit Affiliation

                Adjunct Registration:
                NOTE: $10 ration fee by mail, $10.60 by PayPal

                All the Best!

                Tom Steele


                11th Penn Reserve Inf (recreated)
                Thomas Steele
                Sally Port Mess
                Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
                Old Northwest Volunteers

                Marmadukes Raid II
                BGA Gettysburg - 24th Mich, Co. F
                Fort Sanders - 20th Mich


                • #9
                  Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

                  We're on the short end of registration, only 5 days left until the cut off.
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                  Past President Potomac Legion
                  Long time member Columbia Rifles
                  Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: Maryland, My Maryland - 11th Penn. Reserve Infantry Federal Adjunct Registration...

                    today is the last day to register
                    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                    Past President Potomac Legion
                    Long time member Columbia Rifles
                    Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]

