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Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

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  • #16
    Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

    All who intend to attend this adjunct; I would like everyone to start working on their First Person for the NPS and March portion of this adjunct. Or at the least, make best efforts to keep current events out of all conversation. We want the most military and period experience for the participants of this adjunct.
    Jonathan Siltman
    24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
    Bully Boys Mess
    Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
    Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


    • #17
      Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

      Hope everyone is preparing well. Our numbers are looking great.

      I just want to remind everyone to please pay attention to the guidelines. They will be strictly enforced.

      Check out the other thread for the vendor specials for this adjunct. Looking forward to it!
      Jonathan Siltman
      24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
      Bully Boys Mess
      Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
      Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


      • #18
        Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

        Hello gents! We completed our final site visit for Pea Ridge, September 25-28.
        Everything is looking great. Our area at Elkhorn Tavern is set out, provisions are taken care of.

        The event organizers have still not produced a registration list (Which should have been remedied by an adjunct registration) for email contact, but the last count was 62 men from the individuals who have confirmed with me. I will assemble that list today and post it to this page.
        Myself, Sgt, Siltman, Capt. Kinzer, Cpl. Darby, and Cpl. Garrett made the trek on Saturday. We once again followed the route and mapped it at around seven miles. Our camp site is wonderful, with a beautiful stream (defarbed by myself and Dustin Darby, which is another story) for us to jump in after the march if the weather is warm enough.

        Make sure everyone is up to date with the impression requirements, and for those who have contacted the staff needing loaner gear, you are covered.
        Our wagon is teamed by Mr. Nathan Stark, whom we are grateful to accompany us on this endeavor and appreciate his efforts sponsored by Mr. Key.
        This is going to be a great event and we are glad to have all of you!
        Jonathan Siltman
        24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
        Bully Boys Mess
        Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
        Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


        • #19
          Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

          Here is the current list with some attrition:

          Please let me know if your name shouldn't be on here, or if I am missing someone who you know is coming and hasn't contacted me.

          Capt Cal Kinzer
          Leiut Jon Siltman
          1stSgt Frank Siltman
          2ndSgt Mark Vlahos
          Corporal Mike Phineas
          Corporal Dustin Darby
          Corporal Luke Garrett
          Corporal Matt Frye
          Teamster Nathan Stark
          Greg Richardson
          Blaine Carreon
          Joe Musgrove
          Dan Stilley
          Sean Harla
          Kenneth Felts
          Bryan Brooks
          Kevin Dally
          Mike Comer
          Taylor McCullen
          Erik Creekmore
          Brian DesRichers
          Jeremy Hayes
          Pete Byfield
          David Quivey
          Mackenzie Taylor
          Anderson Corder
          Ethan Sartor
          Sam Brumley
          Todd Meek
          Kenneth Pavia
          Tyler Heusinkveld
          Todd Reifschneider
          Howard Hunt
          Brad Leib
          Louis Heusinkveld
          K.C. Kirkman
          Douglas Bingham
          Mike McGee
          Garrett Lipps
          David Russ
          Tom Travis
          Correy Twilley
          Chris Crawford
          Patrick Emde
          Robert Capps
          James Beck
          Ben Vlahos
          Jeffery Stewert
          Jon Birket
          Daryl Donohue
          Roger Callahan
          Nate Whitehead
          Brian Robbins
          Erik Auger
          Aaron Siltman
          Scott Askew
          KD Meek
          Last edited by 24thVOL; 08-02-2015, 04:39 PM.
          Jonathan Siltman
          24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
          Bully Boys Mess

          Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
          Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


          • #20
            Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

            From the desk of the First Sgt;
            Gents, I spoke to the organizers yesterday on our site recon and they still don't have a company roster with contact information. The LT is going to try to build me a roster with his best information so we can get a better communication process going. More to follow on that.
            We had a great visit yesterday, checked our Elkhorn Tavern camp site, talked water and sinks, traveled the route of march, checked on water points, and then checked our camp site at the event. The one disappointment for me; There is one big hill on the whole 7 mile route... at the end!!!! Dangit....
            Both campsites should be awesome.
            Again, review the standards, make sure you are prepared. Clean functional muskets... If you plan to be there Friday and particpate in the Living History at NPS site, your weapon must pass NPS inspection. Your ammo must also be collected and placed in the company ammo box and you are only allowed to use NPS issued ammo on that site, so make sure your ammo is marked. The good news... Free ammo from the NPS.
            Finally, here is a picture from our Sat camp site at the event as Lt Siltman and Corporal Darby clean out the nice clear creek next to our campsite.IMG_3324.jpg
            Frank Siltman
            24th Mo Vol Inf
            Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
            Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
            Company of Military Historians
            Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

            Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


            • #21
              Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

              As an update, I'm not happy that I'm unable to put out more information via emails. We are still awaiting a roster with emails which we asked for from the organizers. But be not dismayed, as Orderly Sgt I'm going to just start putting out what I can on here and on the Facebook page.
              We have reconned the route, identified a mid-point stop with a reliable water source, we have identified both camp sites, on the NPS site and the event site. We have water, porta-lets and firewood on track. We have the wagon coordinated.
              Again, if you bring ammo to the NPS site and plan to participate in the living history, have your ammo packaged and marked so it can be placed in the ammo crates. NPS will not allow personal ammo use, they will provide rounds.
              Rations: reminder we will not issue any rations, mess is on your own or with your pards. You must prepackage your food in period type wrappings. Don’t bring modern food packaging. We will have 2 company stew pots and 2 large coffee pots I’m bringing. We have already discussed the need for fires to ensure there are enough for everyone to reasonably cook and organizers and NPS are okay with that based on our recon meeting.
              As discussed in an earlier post on our facebook event page on A Wedge tents; We have a limited supply on a first come/first serve basis that are available for $25. 3-4 guys can share that to minimize cost of course. These are the 7 foot high ridge that we like for uniformity of the company street representing a static camp like the 24th MO had at the Tavern in March of 1862.
              I also need to know if anyone has medical issues before the march; PM me or email me at
              Also, if there are any qualified medics/EMTS, please let me know.
              Finally, if there is anyone who feels they will have issues with the march, let me know. We will have a trail vehicle that will lag behind with flashers on, and in case of emergency. It will be the final shuttle vehicle from Friday night. If someone has concerns about their ability, but want to be a part, and would want to drive the trail, let me know of your interest.
              Frank Siltman
              24th Mo Vol Inf
              Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
              Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
              Company of Military Historians
              Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

              Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


              • #22
                Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                Okay boys, more from the First Sergeant here reminding you all to be getting your ammo packaged up, start planning and packaging your rations and checking your gear. I've only had a couple of folks respond to my request for medical issues, so just a reminder. Just for our awareness, we hope to have a medic for the march and I'll provide him and only him the list of issues.
                I have had a volunteer to drive the trail vehicle, but we can have a shotgun if anyone feels they can't make the march, but want to be a part of the company.
                Finally, as we told you all before, the route is pretty level except at the end and we'll probably take at least 3 breaks during the march. Still, be training up for this. I did 5 1/4 miles yesterday morning in 90 minutes, but without musket and pack, so get out there and walk!!!
                Frank Siltman
                24th Mo Vol Inf
                Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
                Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
                Company of Military Historians
                Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

                Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


                • #23
                  Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                  Alright folks; a reminder to keep modern politics and current events out of camp conversation! Make sure your rations are correctly packed and rounds in Arsenal packs. We can not have any loose rounds on the NPS site.

                  We will be conducting picketts starting on Friday and will have a shuttle pick up time list posted soon.

                  Friday will also be for Park Living History, the park will provide rounds.

                  If someone is dropping you off on the NPS site, please DO NOT DRIVE DOWN TO ELKHORN. The shuttle will go as far as the visitors center and drop off the men to walk in, please do the same.

                  To quote the Orderly Sergeant:

                  As an update, I'm not happy that I'm unable to put out more information to you via emails. We are still awaiting a roster with emails which we asked for from the organizers. But be not dismayed, as Orderly Sgt I'm going to just start putting out what I can on here and on the Facebook page.
                  We have reconned the route, identified a mid-point stop with a reliable water source, we have identified both camp sites, on the NPS site and the event site. We have water, porta-lets and firewood on track. We have the wagon coordinated.
                  Again, if you bring ammo to the NPS site and plan to participate in the living history, have your ammo packaged and marked so it can be placed in the ammo crates. NPS will not allow personal ammo use, they will provide rounds.
                  Rations: reminder we will not issue any rations, mess is on your own or with your pards. You must prepackage your food in period type wrappings. Don’t bring modern food packaging. We will have 2 company stew pots and 2 large coffee pots I’m bringing. We have already discussed the need for fires to ensure there are enough for everyone to reasonably cook and organizers and NPS are okay with that based on our recon meeting.
                  As discussed in an earlier post on our facebook event page on A Wedge tents; We have a limited supply on a first come/first serve basis that are available for $25. 3-4 guys can share that to minimize cost of course. These are the 7 foot high ridge that we like for uniformity of the company street representing a static camp like the 24th MO had at the Tavern in March of 1862.
                  I also need to know if anyone has medical issues before the march; PM me or email me at
                  Also, if there are any qualified medics/EMTS, please let me know.
                  Finally, if there is anyone who feels they will have issues with the march, let me know. We will have a trail vehicle that will lag behind with flashers on, and in case of emergency. It will be the final shuttle vehicle from Friday night. If someone has concerns about their ability, but want to be a part, and would want to drive the trail, let me know of your interest.
                  Jonathan Siltman
                  24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
                  Bully Boys Mess
                  Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
                  Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


                  • #24
                    Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                    Here are the shuttle times for the adjunct. These will also be posted at registration.
                    Remember to pack ALL your ammo in arsenal packs per NPS request.

                    4 PM
                    5 PM
                    7 PM
                    9 PM
                    10 PM

                    10 AM
                    12 PM
                    2 PM
                    4 PM
                    6 PM
                    8 PM
                    10 PM
                    11 PM
                    Jonathan Siltman
                    24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
                    Bully Boys Mess
                    Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
                    Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


                    • #25
                      Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                      Alright folks, we are less than a month away.

                      To reiterate:

                      Registration is available on site, or theough the website link in the event description.

                      Please review the guidelines and requirements for the adjunct company impression. There is great help and information on this lager for fine tuning.
                      Guidelines are posted in the event description.

                      If you require loaner gear and have made it known, there will be a quartermaster issue at Elkhorn for you to draw, and sign for the required items.

                      Remember, NO ANACHRONISMS: wrist watches, cell phones, cigarettes, non period eyeglasses.

                      Please buy a pipe to smoke, cigarettes are not an option.

                      Work on period discussion, and even in to a first person persona if you would like. There will be no talk about modern or current events.

                      We have a lot planned for you guys and we hope you enjoy the experience. Please make sure you are doing some form of walking in your kit, to make sure it rides priperly and is distributed as you like it. The last thing you want is to find out your gear is improperly set half way in to the March.

                      There is a pickup schedule on the page for the shuttle. It will also be posted at registration. If you will be showing up after the final shuttle, my number is 5806788660; call me and I will arrange a pickup.

                      NPS NOTICE: No loose ammo, please be sure ALL ammo is in arsenal packs. When you arrive at Elkhorn there will be ammo boxes for you to place them in. Please make sure your packs are marked. All ammo will be issued after March.

                      Lastly, there was a sutler set up outside of Elkhorn, if you have those nifty items you never get to brandish, or some contraband, this is the perfect event for it.

                      TENTAGE: A Frames will be available for rent at $25. We encourage messes to split the cost and mess to a tent. 4-5 men is what they were built for. If you bring your own, please be sure it is as close to the 7x7 Yakimas.

                      A special thank you to Nathan Stark and Jack Key for supplying a wagon and team to put the icing on the cake. They are GREATLY appreciated.

                      Thank you all, see you at Elkhorn
                      Jonathan Siltman
                      24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
                      Bully Boys Mess
                      Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
                      Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


                      • #26
                        Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                        Alright guys, two weeks away. Let's put the final touches on getting our impressions ready according to the guidelines.
                        We have just confirmed a Lot of exciting immersion interaction so be excited.
                        Please refer to prior posts on shuttling and loaner gear.
                        A heads up to everyone: please do not be offended by the teamsters first person. They were known to be rude, surly and unpleasant. Butt hurt will not be tolerated
                        Jonathan Siltman
                        24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
                        Bully Boys Mess
                        Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
                        Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


                        • #27
                          Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                          From the First Sergeant;
                          Okay fellas - A week from right now, we'll be sitting around the fire at our final campsite waiting on the stew to finish up and rejuvinate us from a fine day. But in the meantime a couple of things.
                          1. Review the uniform guidelines. Reminder that cartridge boxes go on the belt. I personally hate that, but Capt Kinzer has documented that the 24th Mo was wearing boxes on the belt, so, there you go. Also, early 1862, leather canteen straps are better. Dark blue or light blue trousers, state jackets or sacks. They had a mix for this fight.
                          2. Ammo wrapped and marked in cartridge arsenal packs, to be turned in and re-issued. For the Living History, NPS will be providing some ammo, but we need our caps and blanks stowed in the company ammo box. No personal ammo in boxes at all at the NPS site.
                          3. Food wrapped in period packaging. No modern stuff.
                          4. If you feel comfortable doing it, our pards from Holmes Bde will be at our Sat camp from Friday on if you want to preposition anything for Sat night and not carry it on the march.
                          5. All modern items left in the wagons. Keep medicine and stuff in period containers.
                          6. No modern discussions, you don't have to do first person, but keep it period.
                          7. We will try to have the shuttle pickup point near main registration. Make sure you check the schedule we posted.
                          8. The march is 7 miles. Weather is currently excellent in the forecast. Ground is generally flat until the end, and mostly dirt, with some pavement. We will take a good pace and have breaks. We're not out to kill anyone!!
                          9. If you have a medical issue, let me know in a PM or something. Bring your own moleskin or other treatments in case of blisters. Extra socks, etc. We will not have a medic after all, but one of our guys was an EMT.
                          10. Review company drill, school of the Soldier. Guard and pickett duties. We fix bayonet by Casey, no Kentucky Swing. We "Parade Rest" by Scott, muzzle pulled in to the shoulder, hands crossed in front.
                          11. Our wagon should be a great add, but they will play the part of surley teamsters.
                          12. We will have a trail vehicle for safety/emergency, or if anyone has an issue during the march.
                          13. I will have my phone as an emergency contact. 580-678-7339.
                          14. Plan on stepping in to the modern world for a moment just before the march for a unit photo!
                          15. Questions????
                          Frank Siltman
                          24th Mo Vol Inf
                          Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
                          Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
                          Company of Military Historians
                          Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

                          Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


                          • #28
                            Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                            Okay, change to the emergency contact # - 580-678-6189. That is the phone I'll have on me for emergencies. - First Sergeant
                            Frank Siltman
                            24th Mo Vol Inf
                            Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
                            Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
                            Company of Military Historians
                            Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

                            Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


                            • #29
                              Re: Pea Ridge Federal Adjunct! Sept. 25-27

                              NOTICE***** Gents, due to work issues, there will be no shuttle on Thurs. If you get there Thurs, go to Elkhorn Tavern after you register. Parking is in the visitor Center parking lot, so you can drop off and go park. You'll have to walk back to the Tavern. Do not park on Wire Road. We will move cars to the event site Friday morning. Sorry for the last minute change, but work has interfered!!!! Shuttles will start Friday Morning.

                              Our apologies
                              Frank Siltman
                              24th Mo Vol Inf
                              Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
                              Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
                              Company of Military Historians
                              Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

                              Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein

