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Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

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  • Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!


    Still working out some of the details, but want you all to have a look at graphics we will have printed up on tees for this event. Suitably bold and hell-bent, in keeping with the spirit of this outstanding event! The "Piney Woods" graphic will be big on the front, and the "Hell-Bent" graphic big on the back.

    Available only to registered participants, AFTER the event, on a first come, first serve basis. We're not doing any advance sales this time like we did for BGR. I won't be printing a bunch of extras, either- so there's a chance we could sell out, so if I do, sorry.

    A portion of the proceeds will be donated to ITPW's preservation efforts. So get signed up and go to this event so you can wear one of these tees home! God knows you'll be looking for something clean to put on for the ride home. = )

    I'll follow up with add'l info soon. See you all in Louisiana!

    Dan Hadley
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

    GREAT and more GREAT ;)
    William Miconnet
    French Mess
    BGR & IPW Survivor
    Never ever give up!
    In memory of Steve Boulton, live the little story, lost in the history...
    I believe!


    • #3
      Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

      Gotta get me one of those.
      Russell L. Stanley
      Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
      Co.A 45th Mississippi
      Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
      Steelville JayBirds Mess


      • #4
        Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

        Put me down for one! Large.
        Terry Sorchy


        • #5
          Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

          Alright cousin, hope to see you in the horde of filthy sojers lining up after the event, and hopefully there'll be one left for you! Who knows- you may need a Medium by that time.

          Dan Hadley


          • #6
            Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

            Gonna be any made up in a size small?


            • #7
              Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

              Originally posted by WoodenNutmeg View Post
              Gonna be any made up in a size small?

              A few. I was checking the size breakdowns from tees sold @ BGR, and there were only 3 smalls sold.

              Also, small is usually the size of the unsold extras you're left with when you use a 'standard' size mix on larger print runs.

              But I know there are some folks out there who want a small, and I will try to accommodate you. But like I said, I won't be printing but a few.


              Dan Hadley


              • #8
                Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!


                A lot of us Ground Hornets look pretty good in a small t-shirt. A steady diet of beef and dark beer aids in that significantly.

                Pre-shrink the heck out of one and let's see how Sgt. Major OX Johnson looks.

                Ideally if the end of the shirt could be about mid-ribcage on everyone I think we'd all go away happy.

                Be sure Colonel Aufmuth gets a quad-X. He's bigger than he seems.
                Fred Baker

                "You may call a Texian anything but a gentleman or a coward." Zachary Taylor


                • #9
                  Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                  Originally posted by Dan Hadley View Post
                  "[...]and there were only 3 smalls sold."
                  Well, please put me down for one.


                  • #10
                    Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                    [QUOTE=Gallo de Cielo;134523]
                    Ideally if the end of the shirt could be about mid-ribcage on everyone I think we'd all go away happy.QUOTE]

                    Would that be the reenactor version of the belly t-shirt?
                    Robert Carter
                    69th NYSV, Co. A


                    • #11
                      Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!


                      The shirts are only available for purchase at the event. Presently I don't show you as registered. If you've posted things to me via mail, that's outstanding. If you are waiting to yet register, please do so as soon as you can.


                      I think all of us have the abs to make a belly shirt look pretty nice. It's rumored that Major Sorchy was going to gather his and tie a not on the side to accentuate the look. Images of such will hopefully appear in many of the AAR's. The real worry is the Bayou Yeti sacking Dan's vehicle and "liberating" these for use among the wildlife.
                      Fred Baker

                      "You may call a Texian anything but a gentleman or a coward." Zachary Taylor


                      • #12
                        Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                        Ground Hornets do like their beef and beer and whiskey too. Sgt. Major Ox Johnson would certainly want a small T-shirt. 2nd in command Phil of Graf also likes things to fit tight. As for Baron von Aufmuth, an XXL is in order.
                        Tom Yearby
                        Texas Ground Hornets

                        "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


                        • #13
                          Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                          Them shirts is mighty purty. I'll have to make room in my knapsack for an XL.

                          That doesn't mean I'll leave the whisky and the snuff in the barracks.
                          Steve Boecker
                          Co. A First Texas Infantry
                          28th Louisiana IPW

                          "Too late, sir, the battle is won.”
                          Richard Taylor after the Battle of Mansfield to a messenger from Kirby Smith ordering him to retreat


                          • #14
                            Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                            The T-shirt also exists for the women??? :tounge_sm I imagine too much my wife in the bed at night with the T-shirt on her and after the T-shirt rolled in ball on the ground :D:tounge_sm;):wink_smil:)
                            William Miconnet
                            French Mess
                            BGR & IPW Survivor
                            Never ever give up!
                            In memory of Steve Boulton, live the little story, lost in the history...
                            I believe!


                            • #15
                              Re: Limited Edition Tees For ITPW!

                              Ah, the French. :tounge_sm

